martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018

About last week

Aquest última setmana ha estat de visita aquí, al poble, una amiga de San Francisco.
La vaig conèixer una nit l'any 2010 quan estava viatjant amb la meva ex parella i uns amics a Estats Units.
Va acabar dormint a la mateixa casa on estàvem nosaltres i des de llavors hem mantingut l'amistat.
Ens ha portat un munt de regals guays, pols d'extractes de tint, una funda per la destral del Marc, unes acuarel.les de butxaca per mi, joguines pel Pasqual, devantals per La Piscina.
Hem anat d'excursió, a recollir plantes pel bosc, hem tenyit amb tint naturals preparats per nosaltres, hem cuinant i ens hem explicant batalletes durant 10 dies.
Ha sigut intens pero molt productiu. I també m'ha ensenyat a fer uns fideus de moniato coreans molt bons, que repetiré sovint aquest hivern.
Cada vegada que ve de visita a Barcelona ens veiem, és el primer cop que ve sola i només s'està aquí al poble on, evidentment hi ha moltes menys coses a visitar.
Va fer la primera expo a Meublé l'estiu del 2012 i des de llavors que som grans amigues.
Ara ha tornat a casa amb la maleta plena de coses, records, regals i 10 metros de tela tenyida. Espero que faci aviat alguna cosa amb ella i us ho pugui ensenyar.


This last week was here in the village my friend from San Francisco.
I met her on night back in 2010 when I was traveling with my ex and another couple in The States.
She crashed the night in the house where we were staying during our visit and since then we kept the friendship.

She brought many cool presents, plant extract powder, a cover for Marc's ax, some pocket watercolor for myself, wooden toys for Pasqual, aprons for La Piscina.
We went hiking, to collect plants, we dyed with natural dyes made by us, we cooked and talk for hours during 10 days.
It was intens but very productive. She also shown me how to cook a corean sweet potato noodles, that I will cook again for sure.
Every time she visits Barcelona we see each other, this time she came alone and she was only here at the village, obviously there is less things here to visit.
She did the first exhibition the summer 2012 in Meublé and since then we are very good friends.
Now she is back to SF with her bag plenty of things, memories and 10 mts of dyed fabric. Hope she do something that I can show you.

Looking the same 6 years ago in her exhibition in Meublé

The natural colors we got from plants and kitchen leftovers
Avocado skin, red onion and onion skin (2 baths), madder roots we got from our walkings in the woods, and red cabbage with baking soda and with salt, the top brown is from walnut skins

This is a bundle dye with red cabbage and baking soda.

Madder root

Faking pictures

The result

First bath of onions skins

Onion skins and madder on the morning sunrise.

Playing in the f... magic place with our shadows

Red cabbage with vinagar that we didn't used it finally.

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